At a minimum your dog should be comfortable around other dogs, ideally your dog should enjoy the company of other dogs.  If your dog is well socialized, frequents dog daycare or dog parks, with other dogs and people it will enjoy spending time here.  At a minimum if your dog frequently meets other dogs and people while outside for walks or exercise it will be a good fit.  On the other hand if your dog is uncomfortable meeting strange people, is not good meeting other dogs, is strongly dominant, over aggressive or defensive, or is very intimidated by other dogs it probably would not be happy staying with us.

To ensure your dog has the appropriate temperament for our type of business a play date is mandatory before we will accept a reservation for more than one day of daycare.  The play date can be a day of doggie daycare, or a shorter hour or two visit for which there will be no charge.

Waked up time for boarding guests starts at 6 AM when they are woken up and let out in to the yard for an early morning stretch after which they are fed breakfast.  After breakfast they all go back outside for some more play and exercise time.  After that they are brought back in doors and are allowed to play or nap as much as they want.  Over the course of the day they are allowed out whenever they ask, and if they don't ask they are still sent outside about every two hours to help avoid indoor accidents.  If the weather is nice they can spend as much time outside as they want, even if all they do is lay down and sun themselves.  In the evenings, and on the weekends, the deck is also opened up for their use so they can have more room to explore and play.  The only time the dogs are segregated from each other is during feeding time and no dogs are kenneled unless their owners direct they be.  The dogs are never allowed outside unless supervised.  Dinner time is between six and seven PM after which they get as much time outdoors as possible prior to bed time which is up to them and normally happens between eight and ten PM.  Boarding consists of daycare but once all of our day care guests have gone home for the day will continue to watch over our boarders until 10 PM. 
To ensure your dog has the appropriate temperament for our type of business a play date is mandatory before we will accept a reservation for boarding.  The play date can be a day of doggie daycare, or a shorter hour or two visit for which there will be no charge.

Woodbridge, VA 22193
$40/day for a single dog

$1/day for food if required

Hours of Operation
We have no set hours of operation for boarding.  Drop offs and pick ups are by appointment and are flexible as long as we are notified in advance.  We'll get up early or stay up late, whichever works for your schedule, though we are not a 24x7 operation so we do reserve the right to refuse requested appointments at our discretion.  Day care hours are generally between 8 AM and 5PM on weekdays; however, if you need to drop off or pick up earlier or later, or possibly put your fur baby in day care on a weekend, just let us know.
Medical Care
If for whatever reason your dog appears to need veterinary care we will attempt to contact you first and explain the situation.  If possible, we will schedule an appointment with your vet of preference.  If we cannot get in contact with you and we feel it is in the best interests of your dog to receive immediate veterinary care we will take your dog to Woodbridge Animal Hospital. We will pay for any medical care your dog may need while with us and will adjust your final bill accordingly.  Per the Application Form, we do not accept responsibility for any injuries to your dog or medical care your dog may require while with us though we do our absolute best to ensure every dog that stays with us remains happy and healthy.
Medical Insurance
We have a commercial insurance policy but it does not provide for any medical care your dog may require while staying with us no matter how the injury is sustained. If you wish medical insurance for your dog you must procure your own medical insurance policy prior to dropping off your dog.